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Sims 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 20, 2006, 9:00PM
And the first installment of "Comics about games I should have done comics on forever ago!" This week's comes to you via SIMS 2, and I doubt I would have to stretch far for those who have played the game to understand. So I'll leave it at that.

HUGE News! The most awesome of things happened last week in regards to our little site here. World of Warcraft has been doing a comic contest for a bit now and I submitted my DUEL ME! comic. It got honorable mention status, and it is currently posted on the main page of the WoW site as well as in their archive. I was doing my happy jig all day. We had about one fourth our normal hits for a month matched in a single day. I'd like to say thanks to WoW and all the new peeps checkin us out, and hope you keep coming back for more. If you have any requests let me know.

In other news PAX is this week and Reese and I are poised to go, as well as some accompaniment from Reese's girlfriend. Having a girl with us will certainly change the dynamics of the trip and lead itself to some comical developments. We are heading out Friday and staying all weekend. If you happen to be there and see us say hi! I'll be the one with hair, wearing a shirt and possible pants, I haven't decided yet.

On that note I should say that next weeks comic will be late, probably posted on Tuesday, because we won't even be back till Monday night, and we lack the tech to do it there. If history is any sort of indicator, it'll take me most of the day on Tuesday to draw up the comic. I am planning on an "Adventures @ PAX" strip much like we did last year.