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First Friday
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 4, 2007, 9:00PM
So it's Friday, and we have a comic, SURPRISE! Well, I guess it's not all that big of a surprise because I told you twice, and Reese was kind enough to reiterate. But none the less its here, and people will realize that on Monday... maybe.

So this breaks coming to an end and I'm about to head back into the grind of school. It's been an interesting couple of weeks and I did a ton of art whilst away from my light table and animation pencils. Some other developments have come to pass, but they are pleasant but fleeting, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I hope everyone else's New Years started off right, and I hope it stays that way this time.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 4, 2007, 9:00PM
I guess now that we are posting comics twice a week I should get off my lazy butt and actually finish moving everything to a database and code the pages to make use of that. It would help me out a great deal if I didn't have to manage everything as it is done now. We'll see what I get around too this year.