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You Stole My Year
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 31, 2006, 9:00PM
You might remember our last/first New Years comic, you know... a year ago? It's funny because everything that it seemed I had going for me crumbled apart and Reese got. So I'm of sound mind when I say Reese must have stolen my year, friggin rat bastard...

To say this year has sucked would be a gross understatement. To say this year was the worst year of my life? That would be just about accurate. On a 1 to 10 scale it would be a 1, with brief moments of 10's just to get driven back down to a 1 with more shit on top. The 10's were just there to remind me of how bad living in 1's was. I mean, if you live in shit, you'll forget how bad the smell is. But, if once in a while you're taken out, given a wash, a dry, and a hug then thrown back into the shit, it keeps the stink fresh. I feel bad for anyone who met me this year; they got to know the wrong me.

Ah, but I'm sure you don't want to hear how bad my year was, and drawing this comic was the true enjoyment of it, which brings me to our BIG announcement! We are going to a twice a week updating schedule. You can now see a new VR Comic on Mondays, per usual, AND Friday! So look for the first Friday comic coming up this week. As always thanks for reading, and may 2007 dance around you like a grape eating pixy.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 31, 2006, 9:00PM
Happy New Year everyone. I'm not one for resolutions each year, but apparently that doesn't stop Vance from bumping up our schedule to two times a week. It should be interesting and I hope it all goes well.