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Christmas Contrast
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 25, 2005, 9:00PM
Ok, I'm late... it's almost noon and I still haven't gotten the comic to Reese. But, I have a very good reason... a reason I can't tell you, but believe me when I say its good.

As far as this comic goes it's Christmas, yeah we all get that. The true genius of this strip is that there are two punch lines. There's my families punch line of spending hours opening gifts because I have an ungodly huge family, and we all live in a relatively close proximity to each other (excluding two siblings that have just moved out of state).

Then there's Reese's families punch line of not doing much ado about Christmas. I'll let him explain that fully, due to my lack of understanding of the situation. We had a brief augment about the season, and meanings and crap. I promptly lost due to the fact that we have both spent a substantial amount of time in the retail job market, and there's no way to argue out of that (as you can attest if you've EVER worked retail during the Christmas season *shutters*).

We actually had a comic in mind where Reese brutally attacking someone who is returning a gift... It hasn't panned out yet, but stay tuned.

Remember last week when I told you I had no plans for this week? When I said I was going to veg and do nothing but watch anime and play MMO's? Well, I lied. This week has been one of the best, and most emotionally stimulating, weeks of my life, all having to do with a long lost friend coming back into my life and having a grand significance on my future. After literally months of wondering and whining, of sitting in a pit of depression I thought I would never immerge from... I can honestly say that I'm truly happy, however insane I may be...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 25, 2005, 9:00PM
Not a lot to say. I've spent my entire weekend (and most of last week) reading a book series my friend Anthony let me borrow. The series is by Steven Brust and is about an assassin named Vladamir Taltos. It's a great series and I highly recommend it. If you are interested, the first book in the series is The Book of Jhereg.

I also got into the Dungeons & Dragons Online beta. There is still an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) involved, so I can't spill the beans on what is going on in the game. I think it has great potential though and it really captures the feel of D&D quite well. Of course, being based off the 3.5 ruleset may have something to do with that. You can check out more on the game here. Also, if you preorder the game, you can get a 10 day beta pass to check it out early.