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What's My Motivation
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 8, 2007, 9:00PM
Have you ever have one of those days that never seem to end? Yesterday was that day... Helping a buddy move is annoying enough, but helping a buddy move, on no sleep and during my mid-terms is annoying to the nth degree. After finally finishing up my part of the move (at just about midnight), I come home, sit down, and realize it's Friday and I haven't drawn a comic yet!

I am lucky I already knew what and how I was going to draw today's comic, and that it was a fairly simple one at that. My real motivation for this comic was that I just wanted to draw my maid again before these two characters went into a slight hibernation. I've become quite fond of drawing her.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 8, 2007, 9:00PM
I don't think I really had anything quite so busy going on for me this week. I've been doing the normal routine (playing WoW and MtG). I think my biggest problem this week was deciding which character to play in WoW. I know it is a huge dilemma that many face, but I think I made the right choice in the end.

I'm also really excited about a lan party this weekend. We're getting 8 people together to run through Diablo II around level 60ish. I'm pretty excited because I have a 59 sorceress that I love to play and works really well in groups. Sadly, Vance has to waste time at school and work instead of playing. He will be missed...