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The Duck Returns
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 4, 2007, 9:00PM
Yeah! The Duck's back! I bet you all missed him, I certainly did. The Duck is a staple to me, in fact I am currently working on a project where, for the first time, he is the star! But, I'll fill you in more on that when I actually have something more then sketches and storyboards to show for it.

For some reason everyone just seems to love the duck... Every School project I have ever use him in I got an A on. He is "Action Duck!" (really, his superhero pseudonym is Action Duck in the comic, I just haven't had the chance to state it yet). I used to wonder why? What makes the duck so much better then my character (yes, i was jealous of a fictitious character I made up myself)? But, after much grief, I've accepted his prowess in my fictional world.