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Artistic License
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 1, 2007, 9:00PM
Ok, so "Mature Content" might be a bit too much, but I decided to put that there to warn my family that might take offense at it. Or is it just a ploy to make you want to look even more?

Oh to be the creator... It's like kind of like playing with puppets. Create the character, give them a personality (derived from reality or not), put them in a situation and see what they do, this idea is exemplified in the play "Six Characters in Search of an Author". So to take an artistic license over people is quite a daunting task. Quite honestly I think I would be the worst person to have ultimate power. I would really do shit like this, I'm a nice guy, but sometimes it's just... too... damn... funny.

I actually cleared this idea with Heather when I first thought of it. Since it represents a real person I try to have at least some level of tact.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 1, 2007, 9:00PM
I think everyone has imagined someone else naked at least once in their life. Leave it to an artist to figure out a way to get caught doing it (with proof even!). I'll keep such things imaginary for two reasons, one is not to get caught (or at least have plausible deniability) and two is because I can't draw anywhere near the quality I can imagine.