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Renaissance Festival
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 18, 2007, 9:00PM
So last Saturday Reese and I ran off to the Renaissance Festival with a couple of our close friends. An annual event, it's a great time to dress up, wander around a bit and get some sun (burns). This year was a tad different since we got outfitted by Chain Mail Fashions. So I had the great pleasure of walking around in 30 lbs worth of chain mail, but it was much worth it, if you saw what the women folk were wearing.

The comic is, however, an old idea, recycled from my days of drawing for my college paper, but man does it ever stay true. Tradition dictated, if at the Ren Fest, eat a turkey leg. It also rang true that as soon as I walked in the pavilion, in my full renaissance garb, I pull out my cell phone and called Croz and April. I beez a traditional fool.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 18, 2007, 9:00PM
The Renaissance Festival was fun as always. Even though the event runs for two months, I always feel like anytime I'm there I could be running into some of my friends. I'm pretty sure everyone I know goes there each year. It just seems that even people I haven't seen in forever know to go on the same day as myself so that I can run into them. I end up feeling very comfortable there, as everything and everyone I see end up being familiar each and every year.