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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 4, 2006, 9:00PM
Yeah! Slight um... sorta intermission from the storyline, sorta. I'm also using this time to connect a few strings I have yet to thread. No real explanation needed. Just more Super Hoot cheese I love so much.

Animation talk time!

So there are some cool things happening. I finally saw Over the Hedge with my long lost friend Dan (because I got ditched when Reese saw it... bastard), and I must say it is really good, on every level. The story's solid, and is actually an adaptation of a comic strip, which makes me like it even more, and the animation is superb. Lots of squash and stretch, and over exaggeration (not often seen in 3D animations) mark of quality on that one.

Also the new Pixar flick Cars is about to hit theatres. I don't know what to think of this, but if nothing else Pixar has earned my trust, and I will give then the benefit of the doubt, even though NASCAR really isn't my thing. I'm interested to see what they're going to do with a world without humans, only cars.

Some TV stuff...

Adult Swims got a friggin awesome new show.! Korgoth the Barbarian. This thing is awesome! Vile, disgusting, and dirty in every sense of the word. Good quality animation (for TV) and on near the same level of potential of the Venture Bros, which I love to no end. Season 2 of Venture Bros premiers June 25 by the way!

It's been out a while now, but I'd love it still. Cat Scratch is still one of my fav's. Wishing Nickelodeon would show it more/make a bunch more episodes. From what I've seen is mainly on Saturday and Sunday afternoon and Friday night, and that's just not enough for me... Fun characters good premises, and horribly funny.

I know I'm not telling you anything new, but these are the things that occupy my mind.

No wonder I can never stay on a "normal" sleeping schedule. I helped Reese move ALL!!! weekend, still have the comic to finish and final have projects breathing down my neck. No time for sleep, but plenty of time for cartoons...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 4, 2006, 9:00PM
I suckered Vance into helping me move this weekend. At least this way, he is tired too. No real time to write a bunch of stuff, I need to get ready for work...